First and foremost: Who are we? Why do we exist? And which purpose do we pursue?
Since Mai 2005 we are a registered association, composed of 19 members now. We are dedicated to performing and/or supporting aid and development projects in the partner district of Neuwied which is located in East Africa/South Rwanda (land of the 1000 hills) in the region KARABA. Enhancing and deepening so the partnership between KARABA and Neuwied.
In particularly the association sees its tasks in contributing to intercultural understanding, supporting education and development, public healthcare, youth aid and development cooperation, as well as promoting refugee assistance. In these areas the association can already look back upon successfully completed projects in the partner districts Huye and Nyamagabe.
15 years of partnership in 2020 and the outlook for the coming years furthermore show that it is possible to have a partnership and cooperation on an equal footing evolving from emergency relief.
Within the first years of the association the focus was mainly on supporting school buildings, kindergartens, water supply systems and health centers. However, this focus shifted thanks to the stable internal situation in Rwanda and the continuous development of the “Landesverein” in Mainz towards supporting vocational training and the establishment of first contacts for an economic cooperation. Nonetheless economic cooperation as a topic will predominantly remain in the hands of the Landesverein and the businesses in Rwanda and Rhineland-Palatinate. Certainly the grassroot cooperation on an equal footing remains the ideal approach for these new and exciting developments regarding the cooperation with Rwanda. „As small Partnerschaftsverein Karaba Neuwied e.V (partnership association Karaba Neuwied e.V.) we therefore want to enhance our pursue in future projects focusing on vocational training and would welcome it if a vocational school would get involved.” declared the previous and reelected chair of the Partnerschaftsverein Karaba Neuwied Sybille Hass-Machill.
Yet “We as a association continue to be open to new projects concerning the child und youth development ‘Helft uns Leben’ (Help us life). For this purpose, we will be holding talks with suitable partners such as ‘Human Help Network’ that already actively supported us during the Rwanda days 2009 on the occasion of the visit of the Federal President. We could envision to find suitable projects to work with our project partners in our partner districts Huye and Nyamagabe to be able to assist in this aspect of development cooperation.” Emphasized chair Sybille Hass-Machill with regards to further planned activities of the association.

Annual General Meeting Jahreshauptversammlungen
The annual general meeting takes place once a year, every two years the board is elected.
In these meetings the of the organization is reflected on and future projects are decided on Current Board.
- Sybille Hass-Machill as chair
- Michael Mang as deputy chair
- Dietmar Rieth as deputy chair